Aza Nizi Maza
Author Profiles

About the Author:

Aza Nizi Maza
Kharkiv, Ukraine

AZA NIZI MAZA is a creative space founded in 2012 by Nikolai Kolomiets (Kharkiv). AZA NIZI MAZA offered classes in painting, drawing, and sculpture for children and adults. A group of artists with Down syndrome also worked in the studio. There was a lecture hall where artists and art historians held lectures on art, and an exhibition hall (the studio organized more than 60 exhibitions at the best exhibition venues in Ukraine). On the first day of the war, the studio “AZA NIZI MAZA” moved to a bomb shelter and a transit point. The pictures you see here were made by AZA NIZI MAZA students, mostly children and teens, in the subway.

100 pms war
by Julia Nemirovskaya, editor

This excellent anthology, compiled and edited by Julia Nemirovskaya, showcases poems by Russian (and Russian-speaking) poets who express their absolute rejection of Russia’s war against Ukraine.

1. Dislocation
by Julia Nemirovskaya and Anna Krushelnitskaya, editors

This collection focuses on the war between Russia and Ukraine as seen by Russophone poets from all over the world.

1. cover for EWLF Sept. 11 2024. FINAL BOOK_cover Opravdanie martyshki (1)
by Nina Kossman

“Monkey’s Defense” is a collection of short stories and parables by Nina Kossman.

by Boris Kokotov

This collection includes poems written in 2020-2023.  (Russian edition)

Three Questions. A Documentary by Vita Shtivelman
Play Video
Poetry Reading in Honor of Brodsky’s 81st Birthday
Length: 1:35:40