Maria Chursina

About the Author:

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Maria Chursina
Moscow/New York

Maria Chursina (1969 – 2000). Maria was born in Moscow. At the age of 12, she emigrated with her mother to the USA, where she attended school and graduated from New York University, with honors.  In 1991, she returned to Moscow, completed a two-year psychotherapy course and began working with patients. In early 2000, at the age of 30, she died. “By Way of Writing,” a book  of her poems, written in English at the age of 16-17, was published posthumously in 2001, with Russian translations by Isabella Mizrahi. From a book review by Valery Chereshnya: “…. a reader will encounter an unusually naked, pain-inspired text that captures all shades of love – love of humanity and writing as a release from the painful and the most accurate capture of it. The most striking thing is that such emotional intensity somehow miraculously coexists with insightful reflection and subtle self-analysis.”

by Boris Kokotov

This collection includes poems written in 2020-2023.  (Russian edition)

by Marina Eskin (Eskina)

“The Lingering Twilight” (“Сумерки”) is Marina Eskin’s fifth book of poems. (Russian edition)

by Ilya Perelmuter (editor)

Launched in 2012, “Four Centuries” is an international electronic magazine of Russian poetry in translation.

by Nina Kossman

A collection of moving, often funny vignettes about a childhood spent in the Soviet Union.

“Vivid picture of life behind the Iron Curtain.” —Booklist
“This unique book will serve to promote discussions of freedom.” —School Library Journal

by Maria Galina

A book of poems by Maria Galina, put together and completed exactly one day before the start of the Russian invasion of Ukraine. This is Galina’s seventh book of poems. With translations by Anna Halberstadt and Ainsley Morse.

by Ian Probstein

A new collection of poems by Ian Probstein. (In Russian)

Three Questions. A Documentary by Vita Shtivelman
Play Video
Poetry Reading in Honor of Brodsky’s 81st Birthday
Length: 1:35:40