Basil Lvoff
Author Profiles

About the Author:

Basil Lvoff
Basil Lvoff
New York, USA

Basil Lvoff is a writer, translator of poetry, and a literary theorist. He grew up in Moscow and moved to New York in his early twenties. He has taught Russian language, literature, and history at Columbia University, Hunter College, and New York University. His poems and essays appeared in Novy Mir, Zvezda, and Interpoezia among others, as well as in The New Review, which has recently published his stand-up tragedy devoted to the current war and the future of Russia: Vasily Lvov – That’s What They Call Me.

1. Dislocation
by Julia Nemirovskaya and Anna Krushelnitskaya, editors

This collection focuses on the war between Russia and Ukraine as seen by Russophone poets from all over the world.

1. cover for EWLF Sept. 11 2024. FINAL BOOK_cover Opravdanie martyshki (1)
by Nina Kossman

“Monkey’s Defense” is a collection of short stories and parables by Nina Kossman.

by Boris Kokotov

This collection includes poems written in 2020-2023.  (Russian edition)

Marina skina._SY466_
by Marina Eskin (Eskina)

“The Lingering Twilight” (“Сумерки”) is Marina Eskin’s fifth book of poems. (Russian edition)

Three Questions. A Documentary by Vita Shtivelman
Play Video
Poetry Reading in Honor of Brodsky’s 81st Birthday
Length: 1:35:40