About the Author:

Evgeny Nikitin was born in Riscani, Moldova (1981). He is a poet, prose writer, translator, and critic. Evgeniy emigrated from Moldova to Germany with his parents in 1997, moved to Moscow in 2003, and moved to Israel in 2019. The experience of three emigrations is one of the main themes of Eugene’s prose. Graduated from the Faculty of Philology of Lomonosov Moscow State University. Worked as a teacher, editor of a publishing house, editor of literary magazines, curator of creative projects, specialist in e-learning. The first book received about 10 reviews from critics, including an article in the academic journal “Voprosy literatury”. Published in the magazines “Novyi Mir,” “Vozdukh,” “Textonly,” “Znamya,” “Zerkalo,” “Dvoetochie,” “ROAR,” etc. Books of poetry “Sketches in the Wind” (2005), “Invisible Lens” (2009), “Stand-up Lyrics” (2015), “Parentheses” (2022). Collections of stories: “Eastern Seventeen” (2011, co-authored with Alena Churbanova), “About Dad” (2019). The book “About Dad” sold out in its entirety, both the main print run and additional prints. In the “NOS” award 2019, the book took second place in the “readers’ choice” category. He won many awards, including “Furious Vissarion” in 2021. Evgeny raises a child with autism and cerebral palsy; his day job is with eldercare.