About the Author:

Tatiana Bonch-Osmolovskaya studied physics in Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology,received Candidate of Philology degree at Moscow State Humanitarian University. Since 2003, Tatiana lives in Sydney, where she received a PhD degree from UNSW, on contemporary Russian poetry. Tatiana’s many publications in Russian include award-winning collections of short stories and essays. Her short stories and poetry in English appeared in “Bridges Anthologies,” “London Grip,” “Can I tell you a secret,” “Across the Russian Wor(l)d,” “Journal of Humanistic Mathematics,” “The POEM; Rochford Street Review,” “Not So Quiet,” “Skywriters Anthology,” “Transitions,” “Red Door Magazine,” and other editions. Tatiana is also a researcher, editor of Articulation literary journal (in Russian), and board member of Moscow PEN.