This is a book of poetry. The author thinks it is suitable for sad audiences. The book would not make sad readers feel less sad, but it should make them feel understood. In particular, women over the age of 40 who are just not having a good time may well find the collection, in modern parlance, relatable.
This excellent anthology, compiled and edited by Julia Nemirovskaya, showcases poems by Russian (and Russian-speaking) poets who express their absolute rejection of Russia’s war against Ukraine.
Solitary Pleasures is a collection of short stories by Tsipi Keller.
This collection focuses on the war between Russia and Ukraine as seen by Russophone poets from all over the world.
Launched in 2012, “Four Centuries” is an international electronic magazine of Russian poetry in translation.
“Monkey’s Defense” is a collection of short stories and parables by Nina Kossman.
This collection includes poems written in 2020-2023. (Russian edition)