Nothing Makes You Free: Writings by Descendants of Jewish Holocaust Survivors
Nothing Makes You Free: Writings by Descendants of Jewish Holocaust Survivors
by Melvin Jules Bukiet (Editor)

History is preserved in the memories of the survivors of the Holocaust and the imaginations of their children, the so-called Second Generation. Nothing Makes You Free considers the heritage of the descendants of those who faced the horrific lie that adorned the gates of many German concentration camps: “Arbeit Macht Frei” (“Work Makes You Free”). In the words of this groundbreaking anthology’s introduction: “Other kids’ parents didn’t have numbers on their arms. Other kids’ parents didn’t talk about massacres as easily as baseball. Other kids’ parents loved them, but never gazed at their offspring as miracles in the flesh….How do you deal with this responsibility? Well, if you were a writer, you wrote.” Gathered here are writings of both fiction and nonfiction, ranging from farce to fantasy to brutal realism, from an international selection of writers, including Art Spiegelman, Eva Hoffman, Peter Singer, and Carl Friedman. Contributors: Lea Aini, David Albahari, Tammie Bob, Lilly Brett, Melvin Jules Bukiet, Leon De Winter, Esther Dischereit, Barbara Finkelstein, Alain Finkielkraut, Carl Friedman, Eva Hoffman, Helena Janaczek, Anne Karpf, Alan Kaufman, Ruth Knafo Setton, Mihaly Kornis, Savyon Liebrecht, Alcina Lubitch Domecq, Gila Lustiger, Sonia Pilcer, Doron Rabinovici, Henri Raczymov, Victoria Redel, Thane Rosenbaum, Goran Rosenberg, Peter Singer, Joseph Skibell, Art Spiegelman, J. J. Steinfeld, Val Vinokurov

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