Voice of Ice/Voix de Glace
Voice of Ice/Voix de Glace by Alta Ifland
Voice of Ice/Voix de Glace
by Alta Ifland

Translated from the French by the author. VOICE OF ICE is prose poetry presented in a bilingual edition. Written in French and translated by the author into English, these poems were generated in a process yielding concurrent shifts to the original. Poet Wanda Coleman says: “In transplanting her painterly European sensibility into an American poetic context, Alta Ifland creates and redreams the hauntingly surreal emotional landscapes of dislocation, desolate distances, and Redonesque disjuncture from which she shapes these ever-shifting, mad-and-mythic excursions—in voices angry, awed, childlike, sardonic, she startles and disturbs, charms and exalts.”

VOICE OF ICE is published as part of the TrenchArt Parapet series, with an introduction by Gary Young and visual art by Danielle Adair.

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