Alexander Blok. Of Honor, Feats, and Fame. Translated by Ilya Shambat

Also in Translations:

Alexander Blok. Of Honor, Feats, and Fame. Translated by Ilya Shambat
Alexander Blok. Of Honor, Feats, and Fame. Translated by Ilya Shambat

For long on bitter earth I had forgotten
Of honor, feats, accomplishments, and fame
When on the table luminesced before me
Your lovely face adorned in simple frame.

But time had come, and you had left the house.
I threw the wedding ring into the night.
You gave away your fortune to another,
And your majestic features I forgot.

The days flew, with cursed rumbling circling…
Wine and passion tore my life apart…
And I remembered you before the morning,
And like my youth, I called you from my heart…

I called you, but you did not turn around,
I wept, but you had honored not my plight.
You sadly wrapped yourself in a blue coat
And departed home on a misty night.

I know not where, my tender, my beloved,
You found to be the home to your pride.
I’m sleeping soundly, dream of your blue coat,
In which you left me on the misty night…

Now not to dream of tenderness, of glory,
All that is past, the youth has come to end!
Your face adorned in simple frame before me
I took away from table with my hand.

The Original

О доблестях, о подвигах, о славе
Я забывал на горестной земле,
Когда твое лицо в простой оправе
Перед мной сияло на столе.

Но час настал, и ты ушла из дому.
Я бросил в ночь заветное кольцо.
Ты отдала свою судьбу другому,
И я забыл прекрасное лицо.

Летели дни, крутясь проклятым роем…
Вино и страсть терзали жизнь мою…
И вспомнил я тебя пред аналоем,
И звал тебя, как молодость свою…

Я звал тебя, но ты не оглянулась,
Я слезы лил, но ты не снизошла.
Ты в синий плащ печально завернулась,
В сырую ночь ты из дому ушла.

Не знаю, где приют твоей гордыне
Ты, милая, ты, нежная, нашла…
Я крепко сплю, мне снится плащ твой синий,
В котором ты в сырую ночь ушла…

Уж не мечтать о нежности, о славе,
Все миновалось, молодость прошла!
Твое лицо в его простой оправе
Своей рукой убрал я со стола.

About the Author:

Блок (1)
Alexander Blok
St. Petersburg, Russia

Alexander Blok (November 28, 1880, Saint Petersburg – August 7, 1921, Saint Petersburg) was one of the greatest Russian poets. He was a major poet of Russian Symbolism. He was also a playwright, translator, and literary critic.

About the Translator:

Ilya Shambat
Ilya Shambat

Ilya Shambat was born in the former Soviet Union and started writing poetry at age 10. When he was 12, he moved to America; when he was 18, he finished the University of Virginia. Ilya has translated a vast body of Russian poetry into English, including the complete body of poetry by Marina Tsvetayeva and Igor Severyanin. He is currently residing in Australia, where he is raising a family. You can read Ilya’s translations on his site

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