Vitaly Lekhtsier. Balanced Movement. Translated by N.K.

Also in Translations:

1. Vitaly(1)
Vitaly Lekhtsier. Balanced Movement. Translated by N.K.

there is no drama
If you want to know a person, look at the landscape

rustling sheets of pencil portraits

without a face

beers knocked over at the exact moment

the voyeur turns into a stalker

getting lost in the streets of Strasbourg

a tracing diagram of heels kicking back

hiding in a store

wishing for a long-awaited find

frustration traveling

along the streetcar line

the elusive stillness of memories

freeze frame with the beggar girl

his interest in documentary

is motivated by art

that breaks with sexist templates

there is no drama

it’s a very specific, very strong thought

an uncompromising judgment

the ability to disengage from everything

that constantly preoccupies

The novel copes with ontological dissonance

having matured

but not yet

until my voice rings out

unsteadiness is like worn-out machinery

of the Soviet era

like archival dust

sliding down the cliff

but there’s no drama

Translated by N. K.

About the Author:

1. Рим 1
Vitaly Lekhtsier
Samara, Russia

Vitaly Lekhtsier is a poet, literary critic, co-editor of the literary and analytical portal “Circus Olympus+TV” (2011-2022), and social researcher. He is the author of seven books of poetry (the eighth one is forthcoming), and seven monographs published in Russia and Lithuania. Winner of the Andrei Bely Prize (2019). His poems have been translated into English, and his scholarly research has been translated into Spanish and Bulgarian. He works at the S.P. Korolev National Research University in Samara.

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