Lev Loseff. At a Geneva’s Watchmakers. Translated by Andrei Burago

Also in Translations:

The Watchmaker (1905)
Hermann von Kern ( Austria,1838-1912) "The Watchmaker" (detail)
Lev Loseff. At a Geneva's Watchmakers. Translated by Andrei Burago

                           For S. Markish
Geneva’s pompous, no, Geneva’s gentle.

The Swiss are stuffy, swaggering and fun.

In Switzerland, that every nation’s neighbor,

a courteous place, a country stuffed with funds,

stuffed with its gold, its cows, its meadows, mountains,

with mounds of cheese moist under carving knife,

with schools of secret service agents, scores of scoundrels,

“I’lll buy myself a watch,” decided I.

The city buzzed. Some spies had tried to make

a daring move and leave the GRU.

But did I give a hoot? To tell the truth,

I was concerned with how to spot a fake,

which watches ran on rubies, and which ones

were waterproof and came on leather bands.

A local J‎e‎w, his bristly mustache arched,

commented in a melancholy tone:

“The only thing that matters in a watch,

good sir, is that it ticks and tells the time”.

“It matters that it ticks and tells the time…”

“Do you refer to poems?” “God forbid,

I meant to speak of watches, wrist and pocket…”

“It holds for works by novelists and poets,

for lyric verse and other trifling bits”.

У женевского часовщика
В Женеве важной, нет, в Женеве нежной,

в Швейцарии вальяжной и смешной,

в Швейцарии, со всей Европой смежной,

в Женеве вежливой, в Швейцарии с мошной,

набитой золотом, коровами, горами,

пластами сыра с каплями росы,

агентами разведок, шулерами,

я вдруг решил — «Куплю себе часы».

Толпа бурлила. Шла перевербовка

сотрудников КЦГРБУ

Но все разведки я видал в гробу.

Мне бы узнать, какая здесь штамповка,

какие на рубиновых камнях,

водоупорные и в кожаных ремнях.

Вдруг слышу из-под щеточки усов

печальный голос местного е‎вр‎‎‎е‎я‎:

«Ах, сударь, все, что нужно от часов,

Чтоб тикали и говорили время».

«Чтоб тикали и говорили время…

Послушайте, вы это о стихах?»

«Нет, о часах, наручных и карманных…»

«Нет, это о стихах и о романах,

О лирике и прочих пустяках».

About the Author:

Lev Loseff
Leningrad, USSR / Hanover, NH, USA

Lev Loseff (birth name Lev Lifshitz; June 15, 1937 – May 6, 2009) was a Russian poet, literary critic, essayist and educator. The son of poet Vladimir Lifshitz, Loseff was born in Leningrad. He attended Leningrad’s famous Saint Peter’s School and graduated from the journalism department of the Leningrad State University. Loseff immigrated to the U.S. in 1976. He earned a Ph.D. in Slavic Languages and Literatures from the University of Michigan and became a professor of Russian literature at Dartmouth College in Hanover, New Hampshire, a position he held until his death thirty years later. In his later years Loseff was a Russian-language radio personality and a prolific author, writing both poetry and non-fiction works on Russian literature. Loseff died on May 6, 2009, in Hanover, NH.
(From Wikipedia)

About the Translator:

Andrei Burago
Seattle, USA

Andrei Burago was born and raised in St. Petersburg, where he graduated from the Faculty of Mathematics and Mechanics of the St. Peterburg State University. Andrei moved to the USA in 1991. Currently, he lives in Seattle and works as a software developer.

Lev Losev Лев Лосев
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