Stephen Oliver. Irina Ratushinskaya Freed. Translated by Max Nemtsov

Also in Translations:

Irina Ratushinskaya
Stephen Oliver. Irina Ratushinskaya Freed. Translated by Max Nemtsov

Something has lit up your

Motherland. Whose eyes? What flock

of birds? Camplights?

Late summer eve and the freeway

insists its traffic through wind.

Rubbed off sound. Handfuls of

enjoyment coming and going.

Not the noise of barbed wire dragged

through snow, and not the dull

weight of concrete at Zone 4 Mordovia.

Irina Ratushinskaya, would this

have reached your last address

before your Russian God brought you

safe to England, and safely to

her hospitals, to the freeworld and a

million little decisions?

Handfuls of shouting reach out from

solitary confinement, your breath

amplifies and your words

bite warmth. Something has lit up

your Motherland.


Ирина Ратушинская освобождена

Что-то озарило

Родину. Чей взгляд? Какая

стая? Прожектора?

Лету конец, и трасса

упорствует собою против ветра.

Стертый звук. Горстями

радость издали и вдаль.

Не скрежет заграждения

по насту и не бремя

бетона на мордовской зоне.

Ирина Ратушинская, дойдет

ли это на последний адрес,

успеет ли ваш русский бог

перенести вас в Англию, в

больницы, в свободный мир,

к тьме крохотных решений?

Пригоршни крика крошатся

из одиночки, а дыханье

все шире, и слова грызут

тепло. Там что-то озарило

вашу Родину.


From Night of Warehouses: Poems 1978-2000 New Zealand: HeadworX Publishers (2001)

About Irina Ratshinskaya:

About the Author:

1. пхото оф поет
Stephen Oliver
Wellington, New Zealand / Australia

Stephen Oliver is an Australasian poet and voice artist who has also worked as a newsreader, a journalist, and a copy and feature writer. He has published more than 20 volumes of poetry, and his writing has appeared in a range of international journals and anthologies.

About the Translator:

1. Макс Немцов
Max Nemtsov
Moscow, Russia

Max Nemtsov is a literary translator and editor.

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