Dmitry Bykov. My Shadow Still Remains. Translated by Yana Kane

Also in World:

"Man's Shadow on Textured Asphalt Background" (Vecteezy. Huseyn Naghiyev)
Dmitry Bykov. My Shadow Still Remains. Translated by Yana Kane

It seems, these days, that over there

My ghost—or shadow—still remains.

Neither indignant nor defiant,

He simply grumbles and complains.

He wanders—wincing, softly whimpering—

A wintry hellscape, frozen hard,

Around my home, which stands abandoned,

My Lada rusting in the yard.

Stuck in the womb of that failed empire,

The misbegotten wretch is there—

A hostage, held by those who’re powerless

To lure and catch me in their snare.

My shadow—voicelessly lamenting,

Not growing old, not growing strong—

Lifeless and deathless, without direction;

He merely drags himself along.

His publishers have all been shuttered.

His readership has moved away.

He saw it coming: he was prudent,

Scrimped, saving for this rainy day.

Skulking and shuffling, he squints mutely—

I cringe, imagining this pallid,

This helpless being, who is cowering,

Subject to being judged and bullied.

Herded within a crowd, he sloshes

Through seas of stagnant, trampled mud.

The scoundrels mock him without mercy;

Their jabs, they fancy, draw my blood.

Out there—alone and spurned by Heaven—

He’s sapped by indolence and fear.

His dread laps at my spirit daily,

Its noxious darkness finds me here.

He clambers from his sagging mattress,

Shivering, he steps out his door.

He goes to visit Mother’s gravestone.

What else would he exist there for?

Осталось нечто вроде тени
Там от меня сегодня, видимо,

Осталось нечто вроде тени.

Ни возмущения, ни вызова —

Сплошные жалобы и пени.

Он бродит, морщась и постанывая,

Среди заснеженного ада —

Там, где жилье мое оставленное

И догнивающая «лада».

Он пребывает, бедный выродок,

В утробе недогосударства,

Какому ни украсть, ни выманить

Меня отсюда не удастся.

Но тень моя, беззвучно сетуя,

Не утешаясь и не старясь,

Безжизненная и бессмертная,

У них в заложниках осталась.

…Закрыты все его издания,

Уехал весь его читатель —

Он это чувствовал заранее,

А потому копил, не тратил.

Он щурится, немой, трясущийся —

Я вздрагиваю, чуть представлю,

Как над бессильной этой сущностью

Там учиняют суд и травлю.

Он шлепает по жидкой челяди,

По заболоченному морю,

Над ним глумятся эти нелюди —

А думают, что надо мною.

Отверженный от взора Божьего,

Он чахнет в панике бездельной,

И о меня доходит дрожь его

И отравляет ночь и день мой.

Он ежится в постельной вмятине,

В ознобе просыпаясь в девять,

И ходит на могилу матери —

А что еще ему там делать?

About the Author:

Dmitry Bykov
Moscow, USSR / Russia - Ithaca, New York, USA

Dmitry Lvovich Bykov (Russian: Дмитрий Львович Быков) is a Russian writer, poet, literary critic and journalist. He is also known as biographer of Boris Pasternak, Bulat Okudzhava and Maxim Gorky. Bykov graduated from the Faculty of Journalism of the elite Moscow State University. Dmitry Bykov taught literature and the history of Soviet literature in Moscow’s secondary schools. As a journalist and critic, Bykov has been writing for the magazine Ogoniok since 1993. He has also periodically hosted a show on the radio station Echo of Moscow, which ran until 2008. Earlier, he was one of the hosts of an influential TV show Vremechko. Being one of the most prolific modern Russian writers, he gained additional recognition for his biography of Boris Pasternak published in 2005. The biography earned Bykov the 2006 National Bestseller (Национальный бестселлер) and Big Book (Большая Книга) awards. He later wrote influential biographies of Maxim Gorky and Bulat Okudzhava. In 2008 a documentary called Virginity (Девственность) was released in which Bykov was a co-writer. (More about him here:

About the Translator:

1. Yana Kane photo cropped 2022 06 26A(1)
Yana Kane
New Jersey, USA

Yana Kane came to the United States as a refugee from the Soviet Union when she was a teenager. She has a bachelor’s degree in Computer Science from Princeton University and a Ph.D. in Statistics from Cornell University. She is pursuing an MFA in Creative Writing at Fairleigh Dickinson University, where she has been awarded the Baumeister Scholarship.aumeister Scholarship. Her writing appeared in a variety of Russian and English language magazines and anthologies. A bilingual book of her poetry and translations, “Kingfisher/Zimorodok,” was published in 2020. View.Point recognized her poetry translations as among the “Best of 2022.” She won the 2024 RHINO Poetry Translation Prize, was a finalist for the 2025 Gabo Prize for Literature in Translation, was selected for Deep Vellum Best Literary Translations 2025 anthology and nominated for Deep Vellum Best Literary Translations 2026 anthology.

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