About the Author:

Rafael Alberti
Rafael Alberti (16 December 1902 – 28 October 1999) was a Spanish poet. He is considered one of the greatest literary figures of the so-called Silver Age of Spanish poetry.
Defend yourself! They’re woodcutters,
those whistling axes
moving my tongue.
Watch out!
Sickles of evil winds
biting my soul.
tower of distrust.
You, tower of gold, greed.
Wall up your windows.
Better yet, look.
Men devastated, still,
in the fallen cities.
Ask them.
Better yet, listen.
A sky, green with envy,
overflows from my mouth and sings.
I, a sky…
Neither look nor listen. I…
Wall up your windows.*
Защищайся! — это дровосеки
свистящими топорами
двигают моим языком.
Это серпы злых ветров
кромсают мою душу.
крепость недоверия,
Ты, крепость из золота и жадности.
Зашторь окна.
Или нет, смотри.
Опустошенные, неподвижные люди
в разрушенных городах.
У них спроси.
Или нет, слушай.
Небо, зеленое от зависти,
льётся из моего рта и поет.
Я, небо …
Нет, не слушай и не смотри. Я…
Зашторь окна.
Russian translation by Nina Kossman
The original
Leñadoras son, ¡defiéndete!,
esas silbadoras hachas
que mueven mi lengua.
Hoces de los vientos malos,
que muerden mi alma.
Torre de desconfianza,
Tú, torre del oro, avara.
Ciega las ventanas.
O no, mira.
Hombres arrasados, fijos
por las ciudades taladas.
O no, escucha.
Un cielo, verde de envidia,
rebosa mi boca y canta.
Yo, un cielo…
Ni escuches ni mires. Yo…
Ciega las ventanas.
*English translation by Jose A. Elgorriaga & Martin Paul from “100 Poems by Rafael Alberti” (San Francisco: Kosmos, 1981)
Rafael Alberti (16 December 1902 – 28 October 1999) was a Spanish poet. He is considered one of the greatest literary figures of the so-called Silver Age of Spanish poetry.
This excellent anthology, compiled and edited by Julia Nemirovskaya, showcases poems by Russian (and Russian-speaking) poets who express their absolute rejection of Russia’s war against Ukraine.
This collection focuses on the war between Russia and Ukraine as seen by Russophone poets from all over the world.
Launched in 2012, “Four Centuries” is an international electronic magazine of Russian poetry in translation.
“Monkey’s Defense” is a collection of short stories and parables by Nina Kossman.