… and this needle
is to pierce your heart,
to pull through you
a thread:
white, scarlet, smoking, blackening.
You will never be lost,
never be forgotten —
I will sew you dead center
into the pattern of my quilt.
… а эта игла
пронзит твоё сердце,
протянет сквозь тебя
белую, алую, дымящуюся, почерневшую.
Ты никогда не затеряешься,
не канешь в забвенье —
стежок к стежку, намертво —
останешься в узоре
моего лоскутного одеяльца.
* * *
Indigo and russet dandy,
fearless diver,
you plunge from a tree
into a stream;
burst from the water
into the sky.
Hungry hunter,
you snatch living quicksilver
from the swift current.
In your sharp beak
quivers my soul.
Весёлый маленький франт,
Бесстрашный ныряльщик
С земли в воду,
Из воды в воздух,
Недолговечный ловец
Серебряных рыбок,
В твоём клюве
Трепещет моя душа.
* * *
I used to remember
the first light—
a slow kindling of dawn
over the milky plane
of fresh-fallen snow.
I used to remember
the first words—
more song than speech—
a lullaby-cradle, woven secrets
of spruce and birch thickets.
Now light is stained—
an unwitting accomplice
to the eyes taking aim
at human targets.
Now my memory stumbles
among craters and wounds,
deafened by explosions, by screams,
by the dead silence of rubble.
My mother tongue is struck dumb.
Hatred sent its words
to wage war.
March, 2022
Когда-то я хранила в памяти
первый свет –
неспешно разгорающийся восход
над молочной равниной
свежевыпавшего снега.
Когда-то я хранила в памяти
первые слова –
колыбельный напев речи, переплетение
лепета ольшаника, шёпота еловой чащи.
Теперь свет очернён –
невольный соучастник глаз
когда они ищут живые мишени,
когда они целятся в людей.
Теперь память спотыкается,
затерявшись между воронками и увечьями,
оглушённая взрывами, криками,
мёртвой тишиной развалин.
Родная речь онемела.
Ненависть призвала её слова
на войну.
Март 2022
* * *
I don’t want to hate.
I don’t want to be hated.
I don’t want anyone to hate in my name.
Я не хочу ненавидеть.
Я не хочу, чтобы меня ненавидели.
Я не хочу, чтобы ненавидели от моего имени.
“Mother Tongue/Родная Речь” was first published in “View.Point” («Точка.Зрения»), a publishing project in Russia that focuses on Russian-language anti-war poems (
English texts were edited by Bruce Esrig
Yana Kane came to the United States as a refugee from the Soviet Union when she was a teenager. She has a bachelor’s degree in Computer Science from Princeton University and a Ph.D. in Statistics from Cornell University. She works as a senior principal engineer. She is a recipient of the Mitch and Lynn Baumeister Scholarship in the Fairleigh Dickinson University MFA in Creative Writing program. Her writing appeared in a variety of Russian and English language magazines and anthologies. A bilingual book of her poetry and translations, “Kingfisher/Zimorodok,” was published in 2020.
This collection includes poems written in 2020-2023. (Russian edition)
“The Lingering Twilight” (“Сумерки”) is Marina Eskin’s fifth book of poems. (Russian edition)
Launched in 2012, “Four Centuries” is an international electronic magazine of Russian poetry in translation.
A collection of moving, often funny vignettes about a childhood spent in the Soviet Union.
“Vivid picture of life behind the Iron Curtain.” —Booklist
“This unique book will serve to promote discussions of freedom.” —School Library Journal
A book of poems by Maria Galina, put together and completed exactly one day before the start of the Russian invasion of Ukraine. This is Galina’s seventh book of poems. With translations by Anna Halberstadt and Ainsley Morse.
A new collection of poems by Ian Probstein. (In Russian)