Artists of Ukraine. Matvei Vaisberg
700x500. Vaysberg. Несколько сонетов, посвящённых Джону Констеблу. N1.
Matvei Vaisberg. Several Sonnets for John Constable. #1 (a fragment)
Artists of Ukraine. Matvei Vaisberg

Matvei Vaisberg loves and deeply appreciates the work of many artists, especially Georges Rouault, Chaïm Soutine, and Francisco Goya. Together with Andrij Mokrousov, an art and literary critic, Matvei Vaisberg developed arrière-garde, an art concept that he incorporates in many of his works. He sees himself as a creator neither of the mimetic nor of the abstract. Similarly, although quite a few of his paintings are centered around biblical themes (Days of Creation, Book of Job, Scenes from Tanakh), he does not think of himself as a religious artist. In 2014, the artist turned his attention to tumultuous events in Kyiv and painted a new series of paintings called “Wall,” dedicated to events on Kyiv’s Maidan Nezalezhnosti (Independence Square). The artist himself was not just a witness of these events but also a participant. The cycle “Wall” consists of 28 pictures, each measuring 45 cm by 60 cm, exhibited as a single block, like a wall. The cycle was shown in Kyiv, London, Berlin, New York, Los Angeles, Warsaw, etc. Matvei Vaisberg’s other series (“cycles”) of paintings include “Seven Days” (1998-1999), “The Judaean Desert” (2001), “Anthropic Principle” (2004-2008), “Dancings” (2006-2009), “Scenes from Tanakh” (2006), “Holy Heaven Remains Silent” (2008), “Pur Vital” (2006), “Threetwotwo” (2009), and “Wall” (based on Hans Holbein the Younger’s prints, 2012).

About the Author:

1. Vais_2пхото
Matvei Vaisberg
Kyiv, Ukraine

Matvei Vaisberg (Ukrainian: Матві́й Ва́йсберг; Russian: Матвeй Ва́йсберг; born 28 December 1958) is a Ukrainian painter, graphic artist and book designer. In 1985, he graduated from Ivan Fiodorov Ukrainian Printing Institute (nowadays The Ukrainian Academy of Printing). In 1988, he started to take part in collective exhibitions. In 1990, his first personal exhibition took place in the Historical Museum of Podol (Kiev). This was followed by more than fifty of both group and personal exhibitions, including shows in the National Art Museum (Kyiv), Kyiv National Museum of Russian Art (Kyiv), Museum of Contemporary Art in Odesa (Odesa), Cherkasy Museum of Fine Arts (Cherkasy), Berlin Wall Museum (Berlin), Ukrainian Institute of America (New York), Europe House (London), the Sejm of the Republic of Poland (Warsaw), Georgian National museum Georgia.

Matvei Vaisberg Матвей Вайсберг
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