Art of Victor Tkachenko
"Walking the Angel"
Art of Victor Tkachenko

Victor works primarily with acrylic on board.  The physicality of his work is enhanced with accents of ink and, intermittently, the addition of industrial materials such as varnish and plaster. Throughout the various stages of his work, Victor’s figurative forms were drafted with elongated lines, exaggerated features and geometric patterns. He is inspired by everything, from street art to the Old Masters.

About the Author:

Victor Tkachenko
Toronto, Canada

Victor Tkachenko (born in Krivoy Rog, Ukraine) is a Ukrainian-Canadian artist. Victor received professional art training beginning at age ten and was one of only a few graduates to complete the rigorous program at the Art School in Krivoy Rog, Ukraine. Following his fine art education, Victor did graduate work in architecture at the National University of Construction and Architecture in Kiev, Ukraine. He lives in Toronto.

Victor Tkachenko
100 pms war
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Length: 12 min.