Arkady Shtypel. Two Poems. Translated by Maria Bloshteyn

Also in Poetry:

Arkady Shtypel
Arkady Shtypel. Two Poems. Translated by Maria Bloshteyn


you swam breaking the waves

or diving under them

and a thousand suns spun

around your head
but this won’t happen again

to anyone, any time, anywhere

no, no it most surely will

to everyone, all the time, everywhere.
you saw the moon and stars

you saw grasses and flowers

you heard the birds sing

and the thunder rumble
but this won’t happen again

to anyone, any time, anywhere

no, no it most surely will

to everyone, all the time, everywhere.
you saw a woman as naked

as the day the Lord made her

you were an island for her

gone under a great wave
but this won’t happen again

to anyone, any time, anywhere

no, no it most surely will

to everyone, all the time, everywhere.
you’ll become bread and wine

but that will be later

you’ll arch your spine

and spread your arms wide
but this won’t happen again

to anyone, any time, anywhere

no, no it most surely will

to everyone, all the time, everywhere.
but this won’t happen again

to anyone, any time, anywhere

no, no it most surely will

to everyone, all the time, everywhere.


Creation’s got a blowdown squirt, creaks and yawns,

a copper buckle, a sailor shirt, and eyes that burn.

Creation’s got a wheeze, a belch a bad haircut,

a fat red face, a brandy flask, and a pension card.

Creation’s got iron glasses gone green with rust,

and pockets crammed with tobacco dust.

Creation’s got

sclerotic plaque,

armpits wet with sweat,

a looming heart attack.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Creation’s got high rafters,

its nights are scorching hot—

it grabs hold of the railing

… and cries as it departs.


Ты Плыл

ты плыл волну разбивая

подныривая под волну

и тысяча солнц качалась

вокруг твоей головы
но этого больше не будет

ни с кем никогда и нигде

нет-нет это будет, будет

со всяким всегда и везде
ты видел луну и звёзды

ты видел траву цветы

ты слышал как пели птицы

и как грохотал гром
но этого больше не будет

ни с кем никогда и нигде

нет-нет это будет, будет

со всяким всегда и везде
ты женщину видел нагую

какой её создал бог

ты был перед ней как остров

накрытый большой волной
но этого больше не будет

ни с кем никогда и нигде

нет-нет это будет, будет

со всяким всегда и везде
ты станешь вином и хлебом

но это будет потом

ты выгнешь дугой позвоночник

и руки раскинешь крестом
и этого больше не будет

ни с кем никогда и нигде

нет-нет это будет, будет

со всяким всегда и везде
но этого больше не будет

ни с кем никогда и нигде

нет-нет это будет, будет

со всяким всегда и везде

У Мирозданья

У мирозданья продувка-протяжка, скрипы, зевки,

медная пряжка, в полоску тельняшка, глаз огоньки.

У мирозданья одышка, отрыжка, неровная стриж-

красная ряшка, коньячная фляжка, пенсионная книж-

У мирозданья железных очков позеленевшая дуж-

а по карманам

табачная мелкая крошка!

У мирозданья

склеротическая бляш-

сырая подмышка,

в спину дышит кондраш-

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

У мирозданья высокие стропила,

все ночи, полные огня –

хватается за лёгкие перила

… и плачет, уходя.

About the Author:

photo by Sergii Fedoriv
Arkady Shtypel
Odesa, Ukraine

Arkady Shtypel (1944-2024) was a poet, translator, and author of several poetry books. He was born in 1944 in Kattakurgan, in evacuation. He spent his childhood and youth in Dnepropetrovsk (now Dnipro). He studied physics at the Dnepropetrovsk University. He was expelled from the university for attempting to create a samizdat literary magazine and accused of both Zionism and Ukrainian nationalism. After serving in the army, he graduated from the university by correspondence. Since 1969, he has lived in Moscow and published several poetry books. His first book, “Visiting Euclid,” was published in 2002. In 2016, a book of his translations of Russian classical poetry into Ukrainian was published in Kyiv (Publishing House “Kyiv-Mohyla Academy”). He was a regular participant of the Kyiv Laurels Festival and poetry programs of the Lviv Publishers Forum. Since 2021, he lived in Odesa; during the last three years of his life, he published two books of poetry in Ukraine (one of them in Ukrainian).

About the Translator:

1. Maria Bloshteyn photo1
Maria Bloshteyn
Toronto, Canada

Maria Bloshteyn is a literary scholar, editor, translator, and essayist. She was born in Leningrad and she grew up and lives in Toronto. Maria studied Dostoevsky’s impact on American culture and is the author of The Creation of a Counter-culture Icon: Henry Miller’s Dostoevsky (2007). She is the translator of Alexander Galich’s Dress Rehearsal (2009) and Anton Chekhov’s The Prank (2015), as well as the editor and the main translator of Russia is Burning, a collection of Russоphone poems of World War II (Smokestack Books, 2020). Her poetry translations have appeared in journals and anthologies, including The Penguin Book of Russian Poetry (Penguin Classics, 2015).

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