Also in Poetry:

1. su-35
Polina Cosgrave. Cargo

Every night I hear planes

Flying over our house

I count them like sheep

One, bringing death to a village

Two, bringing death to a city

Three, bringing food for the soldiers

Who will finish the job

Four, bringing back the bodies

Every night I hear planes

Flying over our house

They hum like a swarm of bees

One, making a U-turn

Two, heading back at high speed

Three, what if this one is coming after us

Four, aren’t they all

Every night I hear planes

Flying over our house

I asked around, no one else is bothered

Every night I hear planes

Flying over our house

Not once they woke up my child

Smiling in her sleep

Every night I hear planes

Every day I hear planes

I shout over them

What I can’t whisper into your ear

Каждое утро летит самолётик:

Закрывай глазки, открывай ротик.

Каждую ночь летит самолёт

Горе в чужую деревню несёт.

Будем считать их, будто овечек.

Был человечек — нет человечка.

В гонке за смертью — только вперёд.

Раз самолёт, два самолёт.

Видишь, кружатся три и четыре?

Вспомни, что нам говорили о мире.

Пять самолёт, шесть самолёт.

Мёртвых обратно никто не везёт.

Зайке не слышно мотора, он спит.

Над ним самолётик, как пчёлка, жжужит.

Каждое утро и каждую ночь —

То сына, то дочь.

То сына, то дочь.

Both versions are the author’s. The English version was first published in Poetry for Peace, an online anti-war campaign launched by Smashing Times International Centre for the Arts and Equality. The Russian version is published for the first time.


About the Author:

1. IMG_20200929_173816(1)
Polina Cosgrave
Arklow, Ireland

Polina Cosgrave is a bilingual poet based in Ireland. Her debut collection “My Name Is” was published by Dedalus Press in 2020. She is a recipient of the Arts Council’s Literature Bursary Award for 2021. Polina is featured in the Forward Prizes Book of Poetry 2022 (UK).

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