Artists of Kyiv, Ukraine. Nikola Sologub
111. РУССИАН ЦОЖЕР By-Nikola-Sologub
Nikola Sologub. Fragment of a painting.
Artists of Kyiv, Ukraine. Nikola Sologub

Nikola Sologub’s workshop is located on Podil. In peacetime, he arranged performances and art shows in his own home, exhibiting paintings on the fence and on the walls of his house, mentally traveling to different countries and eras. He created a special underground space in his house, which he turned into a museum of art and art objects, such as artistically decorated trumpets.

Since childhood, he was interested in ancient cultures, ancient artifacts for which he did not find parallels in modern life, therefore set out to draw them, thus creating parallels between works of art in ancient cultures and the world of today.

A technique that allows the artist to get closer to his goal is a specific fusion of book graphics with sculpture. His works intend to reveal the old meaning of painting as a myth – the artist recreates this myth with unique means available to him, working outside the canvas, painting the canvas as one would a sculpture, adding three-dimensional elements to the canvas. His search is for a new artistic language that will return the picture to its former meaning.

Sologub’s work has been exhibited in Kyiv and in several European countries.

About the Author:

1. Sologub
Nikola Sologub
Kyiv, Ukraine

Nikola Nikolayovych Sologubov (Nikola Sologub) was born on August 6, 1969 in Kyiv. His father, Mykola Vasyliovych Sologubov (Sologub), was a well-known Soviet artist born in Kyrgyzstan. His maternal grandfather was the Ukrainian Jewish poet Matvey (Motl) Hartsman, who volunteered for the front and was killed in action in 1943. Nikola’s brother is the artist Matvey Weisberg. Nikola studied art at the Kyiv Art School for Gifted Children, specializing in sculpture. However, at the age of 14, he was expelled from the school for bad behavior, and after that, the only school he was allowed to graduate from was a school for the blind and deaf. All of this made it impossible to officially continue art education, therefore he set out to educate himself, studying philosophy and art history. He received his art education from his father. As a child, he painted in his studio on Andriyivsky Descent in Kyiv, and when, in 1989, many new galleries opened in Kyiv, Nikola began to exhibit in them. His artistic career took off immediately.

Nikola Sologub Никола Сологуб
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